Rep. Randy Feenstra, U.S. Representative for Iowa's 4th District | Twitter Website
Rep. Randy Feenstra, U.S. Representative for Iowa's 4th District | Twitter Website
Rep. Randy Feenstra, a U.S. Congressman representing Iowa's 4th district since 2021, recently shared several statements on social media regarding his political priorities and congratulatory remarks to colleagues. Feenstra, who succeeded Steve King in Congress, has been vocal about various legislative matters.
On December 9, 2024, Feenstra expressed his support for Rep. Jason Smith's reappointment as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. "Congratulations to my friend — @RepJasonSmith — on being reappointed as Chairman of @WaysandMeansGOP! Chairman Smith has been a phenomenal leader for our committee the last two years, and I look forward to working with him to reauthorize and build upon the Trump Tax Cuts!"
Later that day, Feenstra reaffirmed his commitment to pro-life policies by stating his religious beliefs guide his stance on protecting life. "My faith teaches me that every life is a precious gift from God. In Congress, I will always stand up for innocent life and defend the unborn."
In another post on December 9, Feenstra advocated for tax reform concerning family farms and small businesses. He proposed a permanent repeal of the death tax as an improvement to the current tax code. "Permanently repealing the death tax on our family farms and small businesses would be an immediate upgrade to our tax code."